Benefits of An End of Life Doula
Care and Support Kathy Clinton Care and Support Kathy Clinton

Benefits of An End of Life Doula

On this episode of the Age Better Resources podcast, Kathy Clinton speaks with Lucy Crandall, who works as an End of Life Doula with Good Mournings. In their conversation, Lucy explains what an End of Life Doula does, the services a Doula provides, why end of life planning is so important, and what inspired her on this path.

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5 Ways to Compensate for Declines in Activities of Daily Living

5 Ways to Compensate for Declines in Activities of Daily Living

Once you have noticed that declines in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are becoming an issue, it is important to take steps to manage the situation. It can be difficult for seniors to acknowledge their decline, but offering strategies to compensate can provide optimism in a tough situation.

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7 Steps to Optimize Bathroom Safety for Seniors

7 Steps to Optimize Bathroom Safety for Seniors

Bathroom safety for seniors is a key consideration in creating a safer home environment for older people. A 2018 PubMed study indicates that bathrooms are a high-risk area for people of any age to suffer a fall-related injury. Given that seniors are more prone to falls, optimizing bathroom safety is an important step to minimize the risk of a fall-related injury.

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8 Incredible Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep for Older Adults
Sleep, Care and Support Kathy Clinton Sleep, Care and Support Kathy Clinton

8 Incredible Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep for Older Adults

The benefits of a good night's sleep span all age brackets, and they remain important as we age. Older adults still need quality sleep but this can be difficult. Elderly not sleeping at night, Consequences of lack of sleep in elderly, and Why is it harder to sleep when you get older? are all popular internet searches, one indication of the prevalence of this problem.

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9 Things to Know About Assisted Living for Seniors
Assisted Living, Senior Living Options Kathy Clinton Assisted Living, Senior Living Options Kathy Clinton

9 Things to Know About Assisted Living for Seniors

A move to Assisted Living is not in most seniors' plans, but it may become necessary. For this reason, it is important to understand what it is, who it is for, and what the costs and benefits are.

Most older adults fear losing their independence, and most want to remain in their homes. But the reality is that over 20% of U.S. adults over 85 need help with daily living activities…

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Why Are the Top 6 Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) so Important?

Why Are the Top 6 Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) so Important?

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are self-care activities a person must be able to do to live independently. Activities of Daily Living include basic tasks we learn as children, such as bathing and dressing. We often take these tasks for granted until they become challenging, so if you want to Age in Place in your latter years, it is essential to start preparing today.

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9 Essential Steps to Age in Place Successfully
Aging in Place, Senior Living Options Kathy Clinton Aging in Place, Senior Living Options Kathy Clinton

9 Essential Steps to Age in Place Successfully

Aging in place does not mean you simply continue to live in your home with no planning or changes. To age in place successfully, you need timely planning and action.

In my experience working with hundreds of older adults, I've seen the dramatic impact that smart, informed planning can make on an individual's ability to stay in their home. I've also seen many unfortunate outcomes of not taking a proactive approach to the process of aging in place.

With smarter living today you can live better tomorrow; here are nine essential steps to successfully age in place.

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What are 3 Benefits of Pet Ownership for Seniors' Well-Being?
Community Kathy Clinton Community Kathy Clinton

What are 3 Benefits of Pet Ownership for Seniors' Well-Being?

There are many benefits of pet ownership for seniors' well-being, as a furry friend can be the perfect companion as you age. In our latter years, we often have fewer family, work, and social commitments. Friends may have moved or passed away and if mobility has declined, it may be harder to get out to visit others, which can enhance the benefits of pet ownership for seniors.

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11 Sleeping Tips for Seniors
Sleep, Care and Support Kathy Clinton Sleep, Care and Support Kathy Clinton

11 Sleeping Tips for Seniors

Quality sleep is essential to an older person's physical, mental, and cognitive health, which makes sleeping tips for seniors valuable. A good night's sleep helps us feel good, stay alert, and age well. Recent research validates this idea; the latest science has revolutionized our understanding of the impact of sleep on aging.

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